Sunday, October 21, 2007

Parable of the Unmerciful Servant

1. The story is about a king who brought forth a debtor. The servant owed his master a large amount. Since he could not pay this debt, his master sold him, his family, and property in payment for his debt. At that the servant begged his master to be patient and thet he would pay him back in full. His master was so filled with compassion that he let him go and forgave him the loan. When the servant left, he found one of his fellow servants who owed him a much smaller debt. He siezed him and started to choke him demanding to pay him back what he owed. The fellow servant fell to his knees and begged him to be patient and he would pay him back. But he refused and put him in jail until he paid his debt. Word got back to the master by other servants and he summoned the servant who sent his fellow servent to jail. The master told the servant that he forgave him of his entire debt because he begged him to. The master asked why not have pity on your fellow servant as i had pity on you? Then his master turned and gave him to the torturers until he should pay back the whole debt. The main character of the story is the master because he is a perfect example of a person who forgivess a person in this case the servant and then is taken advantage of.

2. The king decides to forgive his debt because he understood that if he didn't forgive he would not get the same treatment in heaven. Everyone deserves a second chance and i think that the king realized that.

3. The servant doesn't follow the example of the king and forgive the debt because he was only thinking about himself. The servant wanted to pay off his debt as soon as possible and since his fellow servant owed him money he figured that he would start gathering the money he could. Even though the king told him that he didn't have to pay the debt and forgave it, the servant still wanted to show the king that he could pay him back, even if it was the wrong thing to do.

4. In the Kingdom of God his heavenly father (God) will give those who do not forgive the same treatment as that given to the unmerciful servant which is torture and for the one who doesn't forgive, death. Those who forgive will be forgiven for their sins in heaven and will get a second chance to redeem them.

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